Take one step at a time to get closer to your dream life because waiting for the “right” moment is a myth.

One thing that this pandemic taught me is not to wait for the big change, but to change things little by little until you already achieve the big change that you want.
I was looking at our ceiling one day, and I asked my parents if we could do something about the battered roof outside our house. They refused because it is expensive to renovate the whole house. My parents always told me that we could not afford this or that, hence we cannot do any change. Change, according to them, is something grand – something that should be done in one step. One should work and earn money before they can change their lifestyle, that is their belief. It took me years to know that my parents’ belief, in that aspect, is wrong. If we will work all our lives waiting for that moment to change our lifestyle, we will end up enjoying it momentarily.
My advice is to upgrade your life little by little – one small step at a time until you get there. Minimalism taught me that we should include in our daily to-do list some small activities that will make us closer to our goal. This lesson is also applicable in our life. If we want something, we should start doing something now to get closer to that dream.
My story on getting an office space within the budget
I wanted an office space inside our house so that I can focus on my work. My bedroom is small, I’m thinking of adding an extension room so that I can get the office space I wanted. Adding an extension to our house is expensive and will take time. Instead of just disregarding the idea due to lack of funds, I have to innovate.
I looked at my room and looked for space, 1 to 2 square meters is enough. Behind the exit door, I saw an empty space where an office space can fit. I purchased a table and swivel chair from an online store. I also bought some wall decorations to help me get in the mood. My original plan was to make it look like a café, but high tables and chairs are very expensive. The office space was great and, most importantly, I do not have to add a building to our house. If I waited until I have enough money for an extension room, I wasted a year or more when I can have one inside the house.
We should innovate to enjoy the life we want.
Instead of sitting and imagining the life we want, why don’t we live it now? What can we do today that makes us closer to the dream life that we want? I always wanted to have my healing eco-park where people can stay to rediscover themselves. I have no parcel of land to start with but I started reading about plants and collecting them.
In my little space which is less than 10 sq. m. outside my room, I planted different herbs and plants that I use most of the time. I planted a lot of tarragons because I use them for tea. They are calming and it helps me sleep at night. I planted them in little pots and I try to plant more in every inch that they can fit in. Instead of waiting for a big eco-park, I can start my little eco-park with some of the plants that I want to see in my dream someday. I also borrowed a portable table and would sit outside for tea or coffee whenever I feel like relaxing and enjoying the outdoors.
“Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations.” – Steve Jobs
Innovation and Creativity will you live the life you want
My sister loves to design our house, and she would often tell my parents to renovate a little. My parents always told us that we do not have the money and it will be very difficult. Not wanting to give up, I asked my sister if there is something we could do to upgrade our house. She said that adding new wallpapers will make a big difference because they will cover the old walls. I looked for 3D wallpapers online and purchased a lot of them. They are cheap and easy to carry. My sister enjoyed putting all the 3D wallpapers in our kitchen. Two days later, the result was amazing. Even my parents were happy to see the big change. The change is not much compared to a whole renovation but it made the room brighter and lovelier.
If we want something, we should do it – little by little. If you have a dream house in mind, think of the features that you want for it. Are there some changes in your current place that you can do now that will make you one step closer to that dream? Your goal does not have to be so grand, small changes can make a big difference.
Upgrading Life with a Big Purchase – Why I Bought A New Macbook Air
As a minimalist, I felt unsure if I should buy a brand new laptop because my old one is still working. My old second-hand VIAO is fast and I have used it for six years now. My current laptop is still great although the microphone is no longer working, the battery is dead, and I need an external keyboard. I am hesitant to buy a new one considering that I have a small laptop in the office that I used for work. The small laptop has an Intel Celeron CPU which is very slow and sometimes lag. My VIAO laptop must be plugged in all the time for me to use it. I need to restart it every time it says, “Operator not Found”. I already have it repaired but the issues did not go away.
It took me time to decide whether I should upgrade my laptop or not because buying a new one with the right specification is expensive. I weighed the cons and the pros. The only con is the price and the guilt of buying a new one when I still have two functioning computers.
What to think about when deciding on a big purchase
In coming up with the decision, I considered my current job and the things that I do. I need a computer almost 24/7 with my line of work. Interruption can cause me to forget the important things that I have to say. I researched online to see the best unit for me and I ended up deciding on a Macbook. I initially planned on buying a second-hand mac 2017 worth Php25K, but I scrapped the idea when the seller was unresponsive to my questions. Luckily, a flagship store is selling a brand new Macbook Air 2017 for Php35K. I waited for a few days before buying one, I wanted to wait longer but their stocks kept on running out fast.
What made me decide to choose a brand new expensive laptop? I bought a Macbook Air because of its instant wake-up function with no upgrade time. I am a writer and a lawyer, I do a lot of documents daily and a sudden update from PC is a big deal to me. Restarting my computer daily before I get started creates a creative barrier for me. If I am in the zone and it gets interrupted, my mind will stop being creative. Every moment is important, that was why I needed an upgrade. This decision is not easy, but we have to take a step to help us move forward. A new laptop will help me create more without interruption. It will help me become more productive because I no longer have to restart my computer every 20 minutes.
If you need to upgrade something, you should consider if it will interrupt your workflow or will help you become more productive. You might want to think about it longer if it will not affect your productivity, . If it will significantly help you become more productive, then go ahead. Just make sure that you can afford it of course.
Do Not Use your Current Situation as an Excuse to Enjoy a Portion of your Dream
“Let’s wait until I have this___”
“I will wait until I have this amount”
“I cannot do this because I am only like this”
There’s a big difference between living in luxury and enjoying a portion of your dream. Living in luxury beyond your budget is different. Ask yourself and be creative:
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