You just passed the Bar and I congratulate your wonderful Milestone. Here are some things that you should know as a new lawyer:
- Apply for the Oath Taking and Roll Signing – I know that you are familiar with it already because we learned in legal ethics that we cannot practice law without a Roll number. You may call the Office of the Bar Confidant for details.
- Apply for Notary Public – You will not become a Notary Public automatically, you need to apply for it.
- Download the IBP App – You should download the IBP App to see your details and to keep yourself updated with your IBP dues.
- Apply for MCLE – You should apply for your MCLE Compliance as soon as possible so that you can appear in court.
- Visit your Local IBP Chapter – Get familiar with your IBP officers.
- Conduct a Courtesy Call – Look for a group of new lawyers who will attend a CourtesyCall and join them.
If you notice, all my guides are very short and not detailed. I will give more detailed information once I have time.
Thank you and Congratulations.
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