Reminding you of a new season

Summer is over.The blue sky is gone. The sounds of the bugs and birds are gone.
June 1 marks the start of a new season.
The sound of the rain is heard everywhere.
Sometimes, the rain sounds like a lullaby, sometimes it’s like a raging roar.
Wet leaves are showing a bright green color. They are brighter than before.
The soil is moist and rich, ready to allow seeds to grow.
Maybe if I pause and listen, I can hear the seeds growing underneath the soil.
The green moss is spreading.
They are no longer brown and dry from the summer season.
What else can I say about this Season?
I remember it as the first day of classes back when the classes start in June and not August.
I remember it as a season where umbrellas are always stolen.
Shoes and clothes get wet.
People are crowding a covered area, pushing each other to avoid the rain.
I watch the cold water fall from the edge of the roof, creating a puddle on my feet.
I can’t see far because the fog enveloped the whole mountain.
A cup of hot coffee quiets the soul. Green tea is also a great choice.
I watch the water dripping.
I see droplets forming.
They are like little strings of diamond beads.
Disappearing as they grow heavy.
It’s a misty and mysterious season.
It is cold and dark.
It is a time where you cannot tell time.
Time passes as I watch the rain fall on my bonsai tree.
The mints are happy, thirsty for the rain.
The gentle rain is sometimes invigorating.
It is usually followed by an angry storm.
Winds from all directions.
Umbrella is meaningless.
If only I can stay all day in bed.
Yet, this season is the start of new adventures.
New people, new lessons.
It is a time for a new refreshing beginning.
That is the rainy season.
That is today.
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