How to get a TIN number and ID in Baguio City.
Contrary to popular belief that you only need two valid IDs in acquiring TIN number, you also need a barangay clearance. You need your TIN when investing and when you apply for a bank account so how will you get one even if you are not employed or an OFW? Here it is:
Things you need to get your TIN:
- Barangay Clearance
- Birth Certificate (photocopy)
- 2 Form (they have it in their office)
- Cost: P107 (P50 for brgy clearance, P57 for cedula)
A. How to get a Barangay Clearance
To be able to get a Barangay clearance, you need to get your CEDULA.
1. How to get a Cedula
You will get it in the City Hall of Baguio City.They have a one-stop-shop area where you can get all the things that you need including your Cedula. The one stop area is located at the right side of the stairs facing the Baguio Central School. You need to fill out a slip located outside. The fee that you will pay is based on your income during that year or from your last employment. It is best to say that your unemployed so that they will assess you with P57.00. Make sure that you check the spelling of your name before they print your cedula. Make sure to bring a valid ID: a government issued ID, if any.
2. Go to your Barangay Hall
Go to your Barangay hall and present your Cedula. Tell them that the purpose is for TIN number. Pay P50.00 and wait for your barangay clearance. If there are mistakes just ask them to correct it with a pen and countersign it.
3. Go To BIR
B. Go to your Local BIR and fill out the proper form. If you only need a TIN number and TIN ID and you have no income, fill out the FORM 1904 and tick EO98. Fill out two forms and show the requirement to the guard and he will give you a number. Wait for your turn and give the requirements to the processor. The BIR building is located near DSWD, below SM, beside Casa Vallejo or GSP building.
C. Your TIN ID will not be given instantly, usually they will tell you to get your card by the end of the month.
That is How to get a TIN number and ID in Baguio City. You may also want to check How to get NBI Clearance in Baguio City
Wala po bang payment ang pagkuha ng ID at Number?
Base sa aking experience with BIR, wala po unless Updated version ng ID ang ibibigay nila.
Ilang araw po ibibigay yung TIN ID pag kumuha po?
depende po kung saan kayo nag apply. Pag Baguio City, at least 30 days. Pero as of now, wala po ata silang available na TIN ID.