You can search for greatness, but always appreciate the things you accomplished along the way.

It is okay to strive for something higher. Dream for something bigger. But always be gratefull with all the achivements and things that you earned so far. Never forget to be grateful.
“A little more” is a dangerous phrase when not paired with words of thanks. Setting a goal and ambition is a great thing to do and working for it is amazing. Just don’t forget all the things that you accomplished along the way.
Now that you are there, do not forget to look back at the times when you thought you could not do, but you did. The small things that you received and the lucky days that seem impossible but still happened.
When I was in Highschool, my family is under financial crisis. I remembered meeting my aunt in a park and she gave me Php30. I remember being so happy for receiving Php30 because it means that I can buy a prepaid load. Life was simple then, I am so grateful with Php30. Who could have thought that I will get this far, I could afford a website and new laptop. I used to dream about these before. I often pray to God to give me some things that I could not afford. Now 14 years later, God answered my prayers.
Take a moment of your day to remember the little things that made you happy.
Do not think of …
“Just a little more and I will be happier”
“Just a little more cash and I will be happier”
“Just a little more win and I will be feel great”
“Just a little more award and I will feel accomplished”
Instead, Think of…
“I am grateful for what I have.”
“I am happy with the little cash I have”
“I am glad I won”
“I feel accomplished”
3 Steps on How To Be Grateful
There are 3 Things you can do daily to practice gratefulness.
- Write 3 down three things that you are grateful or thankful for.
“Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” – Henri Frederic Amiel
Write it down and read it aloud before you go to bed.
2. Celebrate every achievement.
The celebration need not be grand, a simply coffee or break is a great reward for every milestone you accomplished.
3. Remember that there is beauty in imperfection.
Do not beat yourself up if things did not go perfectly.
“Perfection is Achieved Not When There Is Nothing More to Add, But When There Is Nothing Left to Take Away” Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
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